Monday 23 January 2012

Packaging Examples: Donut Monster

This is the designs of packaging for the doughnut brand 'Donut Monster'. The purpose of the packaging is to fit different amounts of doughnuts into each one, depending on a persons preference. The designs would appeal to a young audience as the designs use of colours are appealing, fun and exciting colours that make the design stand out and make it look cute. The design is cheeky and establishes very clearly without needing a logo that the company sells doughnuts. In the first picture, the logo is not scene and even though in the bottom picture half of it is missing, we can see that it is hand drawn typography that suits the brand. The net is like most doughnut boxes except perhaps a little higher and it has ever a picture or a window into the box, which is shaped like a monsters mouth, which goes with the theme. The image presents the company as could show that they are in touch with a child's lifestyle and taste, showing that they are fun and unique, which is highlighted by the fact I haven't seen a doughnut box like this before. It has inspired me to make my product appeal to children for my packaging idea and to make it a certain shape and out of the ordinary.

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