Starter activity 3 was to make 5 pieces of typography using different techniques, following the alphabet.
A is for Animated gif
B is for Bright
C is for Craft work
D is for 3D
E is for Edible
For making a A, I simply took pictures of pieces of string, moving them into the shape of an A.
Making B, I tried to make light typography, however I didn't have the right shutter speed on my camera, so I just bent fairy lights into the shape of a B.
Making C was harder as I didn't have access to a sowing machine, so I hand stitched this C, which took 3 days. I first stitched the outline using white thread, then I filled it with green thread.
The D was my favourite to make as it was making a 3D paper net, which worked very well.
The E was supposed to be cut out, however the icing did not set, so I had to cover the cake with alphabet shapes.